Research and Innovation

Companies, Research Labs, Start-ups, Technopoles and Associations of Clust-ER involved in numerous projects strengthening the regional research and innovation ecosystem while improving citizens well-being

Industrial research projects, medical innovations and green economy digital platforms are being constantly developed due to an extended, always-engaging and collaborative regional innovation ecosystem. Over 82 Industrial Research Laboratories, 14 Innovation Centres, 10 Technopoles in 20 locations including the Bologna-based Big Data Technopole, 10 local S3 Areas, 83 business incubators, 22 Fab Labs and 9 thematic associations among which 7 Clust-ER associations, the Motor Vehicle University of Emilia-Romagna and the Big Data Association within the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network are leading and supporting projects and innovative ideas that are gradually changing the life of Emilia-Romagna citizens.

Europe is HERE 2021 Winners

  • Crossword puzzle "How well do you know Parma Technopole?", an interactive online and print version with keywords of services available in the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, 1st prize (tie vote) from the Regional evaluation commission
    Check the crossword
  • FIREMAT (FIRE resistant MATerials and composites) project for new materials and processes of multi-material solutions, with engineering and development of design methodologies for smart manufacturing, 3rd ranked in the public vote
    Click for the video
  • Crisalide, Conservation & Restoration Innovative System to Augment Life-long learning of Digital Evidence, special mention from the Regional evaluation commission, more info on contest website
    Click for the video

Europe is HERE 2020 Winners

HERE Ideas become reality 2019 Winners

  • GE.D.I. Genotype-phenotype Data Integration platform, creating innovative platform for genetic data management
    Click for the video
  • Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna, creation of MUNER - a new prestigious university in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna’s Motor Valley bringing together academics, research entities and motor industry companies 
    Click for the video
  • Smart wheat, industrial research project tackling an important dietary problem, reducing level of discomfort in suffering subjects and helping in celiac disease prevention
    Click for the video
  • Vins 250, entrepreneurial project on creating an original Made-in-Italy product - innovative and powerful sports motorbike 
    Click for the video

I invest HERE 2018 Winners

  • Aladin, research project for precision irrigation in agriculture
    Click for the video
  • BEEing, realising innovative digital products for urban beekeeping and beekeeping professionals
    Click for the video
  • Crystal, developing technical solutions and innovative machinery for cutting fabric
    Click for the video
  • ECO-T, multi-station industry 4.0 tool, equipped with extraordinary technological features and environmental friendly
    Click for the video
  • HABITAT, realising platform based on the most advanced technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) for enchancing the autonomy in assisted domestic environments
    Click for the video
  • Lume PlannER, digital platform for smartphones and tablets allowing users to plan sustainable travel in historical places, museums and artistic sites in Emilia-Romagna
    Click for the video
  • Infal, prosthetis safety, developing a new technology for surfaces of implantable medical devices to prevent infections
    Click for the video
  • TECNO EN-P, development and production of new medical devices consisting of modular and selective materials for perfectioning filtration systems
    Click for the video
  • Re-use of biomass waste, research project for a system using biomass waste to generate products for agricultural use
    Click for the video
  • Vilfredo, realisation of digital platform Vilfredo that analyses complex energy systems for optimising waste and energy flow of companies and PA bodies
    Click for the video

I invest HERE regional campaign

  • Dop Automation, new technology for design of innovative machines allowing complete automation of Italian PDO types of cheese
    Click for the video
  • Solar wave, research and realisation project for entirely innovative solar electric vehicle
    Click for the video
  • Building black box, black box with monitoring system particularly user friendly and easy to distribute, for buildings safety
    Click for the video

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