A planning tool for sustainable travel in Emilia-Romagna designed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and illustrated in one of the winning videos of the Io investo QUI 2018 competition in the category of “Service Innovation”.

The project

LUME PlannER is a digital platform with a proactive interface for smartphones and tablets that allows users to plan sustainable travel in historical places, museums, and artistic and cultural events in Emilia-Romagna. It uses geospatial localization technologies to provide real-time information about routes and mobility options.


Shedding light on the territory, promoting access to historical places, museums, and artistic and cultural events proposed by public and private entities and visited using public transport when possible.


Development of a web platform to suggest efficient routes among tourist attractions throughout the regional territory.

Reference call

The LUME PlannER project was co-financed by the ERDF ROP 2014-2020 with the 2015 call Projects in Strategic Industrial Research.

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