ERDF Regional Programme 2021-2027

Emilia-Romagna ERDF Programme, for the period 2021-2027

The ERDF Regional Programme 2021-2027 is the document outlining Emilia-Romagna strategy for programming European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) resources. Being one of the main investment instruments within the framework of the Cohesion Policy, it works to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the European Union and correct imbalances between its regions, with 5 strategic priorities for 2021-2027 to make Europe smarter, greener, more connected, more social, and closer to its citizens.

In close coherence with the main European and national strategies that identify ecological and digital transition as the two pillars of economic and social development, the Programme follows the priorities outlined in the Partnership Agreement and the main regional strategies, starting with Regional Pact for Work and Climate, thus fitting into an integrated vision of regional planning tools.

The Programme

The ERDF Programme is structured into five priorities, corresponding to different lines of intervention, each responding to Specific Objectives and Actions.

  1. Research, innovation, competitiveness
  2. Sustainability, decarbonisation, biodiversity, resilience
  3. Sustainable mobility and air quality
  4. Attractiveness, cohesion, local development
  5. Investments and research for Strategic Technologies STEP

Priority 5 has been introduced after Emilia-Romagna joined STEP - Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform, introduced by Regulation (EU) 2024/795. This list is completed by Technical Assistance, which is functional for management and implementation of the Programme.

The Regional Programme supports a revival capable of combining quality of work, increased productivity, technological, environmental and social innovation, attractiveness and international openness. Thus, it helps the regional system on its path towards green transition and digital transformation, helping to reduce economic, social, gender, generational and territorial inequalities.


Over 1 billion euros - €1,024,200,000 - are putting in place for the implementation of the ERDF Emilia-Romagna Regonal Programme. Climate change interventions, on which more than 30 percent of the total resources are concentrated, are horizontal to all priorities.

For more information

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