Research, innovation, competitiveness

On the path of advanced research and innovation policy, with a focus on local specificities

The priority responds to three major challenges: 

  • innovative and smart transition, closely related to the new S3 Strategy, which indicates the guidelines for the regional research and innovation policy; 
  • promoting digital transformation to improve opportunities for economic growth and social innovation, stimulating a cultural change and making digital a new territorial peculiarity; 
  • boosting competitiveness within the regional production system by focusing on labour, the value of enterprise and the entrepreneurial and widespread pluralism of SMEs. 

The two-level transition driven by the S3 is about innovation, both in manufacturing and organisational level as well as in materials, supported with a smart and sustainable process. In order to respond to these challanges, it is paramount to enhance training opportunities and upskill companies employees. 

Specific Objectives 

  • 1.1 Develop and strengthen research and innovation capabilities and improve the entry of advanced technologies
  • 1.2 Enable citizens, companies, research organisations as well as public authorities to enjoy digitisation benefits 
  • 1.3 Boost SMEs sustainable growth and competitiveness and improve job creation by investing in the manufacturing system 
  • 1.4 Sustainable growth, competitiveness of SMEs and job creation by investing in the manufacturing system 


A total of 530 million euros is available, as in 52% of 2021-2027 ERDF Regional Programme financial allocation. 

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