Technical assistance

Supporting the Programme management process

Technical assistance activities are an important element in Programme management, providing tools and methods to ensure its effective and goal-consistent implementation. The aim is to ensure in-depth knowledge of the topics covered by the Programme and support for the administrative and technical departments involved in implementation and management thus providing effective and timely use of Programme funds. 

The main actions envisaged under the Priority concern:

  • computerised system for Programme management and regular check-up;
  • supervision;
  • information and communication activities, both for communicating the opportunities, results and impacts of the Programme as well as for guaranteeing access to Programme opportunities and assistance to beneficiaries;
  • monitoring the Programme as a tool for constant control of coherence;
  • evaluation;
  • support for the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy;
  • skill, knowledge and capacity building of the administration,
  • carrying out studies, research and in-depth studies;
  • implementing initiatives for experience exchange between public administrations at intranational, international and European level.

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