Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3)
Smart specialization strategy (S3)
Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is adopted by the EU regions and Member States in order to identify objectives, priorities and actions for optimising investments effects in research and innovation, by concentrating resources on areas with greatest growth potential. The goal is to maximise results, boost competitiveness and provide quality employment.
Strategy S3 2021-2027
In 2020 the Emilia-Romagna Region started a participatory process to define the new SmartSpecialisation Strategy in view of the 2021-2027 EU funds programming. The new S3 Strategy has identified 15 Priority Areas and 8 Strategic Specialisation Areas: Agrifood, Building and Construction, Mechatronics and Motoring, Health and Wellness Industries, Cultural and Creative Industries, Innovation in Services, Digital and Logistics, Energy and Sustainable Development, Tourism. In addition, there are 2 new areas with high growth potential: the Aerospace Economy and Critical Infrastructures. Approved by the Regional Government, the Smart Specialisation Strategy S3 2021-2027 was then discussed and adopted by the Regional Legislative Assembly on June 30th 2021. Once it receives the final green light from the European Commission, the Strategy will be the core of the 2021-2027 ERDF Regional Programme and its interventions in the area of Research and Innovation. Between private and public funding, S3 2021-2027 is expected to make investments totaling 5 billion euros.
Main topics
The S3 Strategy 2021-2027 has been defined through a participatory process involving various stakeholders and the regional research and innovation ecosystem community. 15 central topics were identified, tackling challenges of the regional production systems as well as of the EU Cohesion Policy 21-27: from climate and natural resources to blue economy, from manufacturing 4.0 to sustainable mobility, from personal well-being to social inclusion and cohesion. The topics were divided among 5 discussion groups: Approach and implementation of the new strategy, Sustainable transition, Digital transformation, Health, well-being and nutrition, and Territories, cities and communities.
Participatory process
An essential part of the process of defining the S3 Strategy 2021-2027 was the public consultation - open from 7 December 2020 until 21 January 2021 on the EROI platform. Business owners, startups, universities and research institutes, trade associations, public administration and finance contributed with over 300 public comments aimed at helping the Region to define priorities and objectives for the new programming of EU Funds. Digital innovation, Green Deal, quality employment, but also rights and social inclusion, transport and telecommunications networks, as well as fighting demographic imbalances are just some of the challenges considered priorities by the participating community.
For more information
- Video about the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) of Emilia-Romagna Region
- S3 Strategy 2021-2027 summary (
1.71 MB)