Building black box

In Parma, thanks to European funds, Fiama has designed a black box for buildings to immediately assess damages following catastrophic events.

The project

Fiama has created a device similar to the one used for aeroplanes that allows building acceleration, vibration, and displacement to be analysed. Its simple installation and use, low energy consumption, and management via smart devices make this monitoring system particularly user friendly and easy to distribute, with clear advantages for building safety.

It is one of the five examples of projects co-financed by European funding (ERDF ROP 2014–2020) promoted with the 2018 Io investo QUI campaign.


The adoption of this black box for building safety allows for more reliable, quicker assessments of usability and operability, therefore leading to a notable reduction in time and costs immediately following an emergency.


Thanks to European funds, it is possible to reliably retrace the effects of earthquakes or other catastrophes on buildings, including, for example, schools and hospitals, defining a hierarchy of intervention phases to protect people’s safety above all.

Call of reference

The building black box project is co-financed by the call for innovative services in SMEs 2016, which forms part of the 2014–2020 ERDF ROP actions in support of research and innovation.

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