Prostheses safety
The project
Nanosurfaces Industries Srl has developed a new technology to apply to the surfaces of implantable medical devices, a sort of chemical barrier that prevents implants from causing infection or emitting ions.
It is one of the five examples of projects co-financed by European funding (ERDF ROP 2014–2020) promoted with the 2018 Io investo QUI campaign.
The project is aimed at reducing the risk of prosthetic failure due to infection and metal allergies, ensuring the devices’ greater safety and durability.
Thanks to European funds, not only will patients’ quality of life be improved, but public health costs will also be reduced due to fewer prosthetic failures.
Call of reference
INFAL – Prosthesis safety is co-financed by the call for research projects and business development, which forms part of the 2014–2020 ERDF ROP actions in support of research and innovation.