DOP automation
The project
Autodop Srl is a start-up that has begun designing innovative machines in order to allow maturing warehouses for Italian PDO cheeses to become completely automated. It is one of the five examples of projects co-financed by European funding (ERDF ROP 2014–2020) promoted with the 2018 Io investo QUI campaign.
The project aims to increase the level of warehouse automation, managing input and output flows of cheeses, and remotely controlling operations connected to all phases of the maturing cycle.
Thanks to European funds, innovation enters the PDO cheese production chain with a new technology that maintains the very high quality of these products of excellence and reduces operator workloads deriving from the manual handling of the cheese wheels.
Call of reference
The project is co-financed by the call for innovative start-ups 2016, which forms part of the 2014–2020 ERDF ROP actions in support of research and innovation.