Enhancement of Artistic, Cultural and Environmental Resources

ERDF ROP 2014-2020 projects for enhancing current artistic, cultural and environmental resources in Emilia-Romagna

Beneficiaries contest winners

Europe is HERE 2020

HERE, Ideas become reality 2019 

Cultural heritage, empowering growth 

Interventions for renovating cultural heritage have been presented in the brochure dedicated to the contribution of European Funds for the enhancement of artistic and cultural resources and for the development of cultural and creative industries.

New openings

Foreste Casentinesi National Parc Visitor Centres

Between July and October 2021, three Visitor Centres were reopened in the Forlì area - Santa Sofia, Premilcuore and Bagno di Romagna, gateways to the natural wonders of the Parco delle Foreste Casentinesi. Spaces renovated thanks to the project Vias Animae for the environmental enhancement of the area, the Foreste Casentinesi National Parc is full with wonders to be discovered.

Exhibition of the Archive at the Abbey of Valsarena

From a place of preservation, study and catalogue of works and arts to a multifunctional space open for public visits. The Cistercian monastery of Valserena, known as the Charterhouse of Parma narrated by Stendhal, is reborn thanks to European funds with the project "L'Archivio dal vivo" (Archive in Live). With Archive Live exhibition starting in November 2021, a museum and a research center were integrated in the prestigious Documentation Centre Csac of the University of Parma.

Exhibition of the new wing of the Malatestiana Library

Following the opening ceremony in March 2022, citizens will have more than 1,000m2 of additional space which will make the Malatestiana Library, considered the first civic library in Europe and Emilia-Romagna biggest space of this kind, an ever greater and modern place of culture and history. And there is lot more - new premises for cinema, music and entertainment catalogues, an entire section for non-fiction literature, and then board games, videogames, comics and illustrations.

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