Competitive and Attractive Production System

Project examples financed with ERDF ROP 2014-2020

Beneficiaries contest winners

Europe is HERE 2021

  • Autodop and Europe, new patented machines in automated warehouses for typical Italian cheese with greater work safety conditions and optimised manufacturing cycles, special mention from the Regional evaluation commission
    Click for the video 

Europe is HERE 2020

  • TRUeLAB, Plant for neuTRalisation of reflux from LABoratories analysis, important sustainability and circular economy project
    Click for the video 
  • Degradable safe product for sanitizing various types of surface and formulating new polymers with antimicrobial and antiviral properties, read the short story (416.94 KB) with great narrative capacity

HERE Ideas become reality 2019

I invest HERE 2018

  • Promoting handcrafts abroad, Italian tradition and innovation as described by the Italian Consortium of Artistic Handicrafts and Tradition
    Click for the 
  • Mosaic Experience Lab, keeping alive the tradition of ancient mosaic, open to a large audience and contributing both to the territory’s attractiveness and to cultural heritage preservation
    Click for the

Industrial Museums

Locations dedicated to industrial culture, local particularities and human geniality, for promoting and increasing touristic and cultural attractiveness of the local territory as well as creating new employment, upgrading the offer of new innovative services/products and enriching Emilia-Romagna's cultural attractions.

Spaced such as these represent an important opportunity as far as industrial tourism is concerned, a potential to be exploited following the successful example of the Motor Valley Museums of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Ducati, which boast excellent results in terms of visitors and turnover.

Agri-food industry

  • Negrini Salumi, Cento (FE)
  • Prosciuttificio Verucchia, Zocca (MO)
  • Caseificio F.lli Rossi, Rio Saliceto (RE), the manufacturing process of the famous Parmigiano Reggiano, 
  • Oasi del Gusto Aurora, Parma - Cultural museum section on the history of the sausage factory and its products, click here for the Inauguration video
  • Salumificio Conti, Langhirano (PR) - virtual tour of the company museum inaugurated on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the company's foundation

Mechanics and Mechatronics

  • Cucine Bompani Museum, Modena - virtual visit and showroom to present this historic local brand 
  • Pagani Museum, San Cesario sul Panaro (MO) - guided tours of the manufacturing facilities and the industrial museum 
  • T.M.P. Mechanics in Manufacturing Museum, Lama Mocogno (MO)

Health and Wellbeing

  • Tecnocomponent Fitness Museum, Cesena (FC) - Newsroom where fitness meets Italian design

Cultural and Creative Industries  

  • Annafietta Mosaic Experience Lab, Ravenna - Training course with a guided tour of the workshop and laboratory for creating a small mosaic at locations where the ancient Byzantine mosaic technique is revived - project video
  • Fonoprint Studios, Bologna - Sound and Song Museum guided tours
  • Bertozzi Print Studio, Gambettola (FC) -  Traditional Romagna technique for hand printing demonstrated in this industrial museum
  •, FabLab interactive laboratory - industrial museum to facilitate the visit displaying objects, devices and technological equipment of historical value - more on the project

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