Attractive and Participative Cities

Network of Open Labs for inclusion and smooth digital transformation of citizens

Emilia-Romagna Open Laboratories are ten spaces open to citizens that have come to life in the Region's largest cities to support and strengthen digital development in urban areas. They are examples of projects implemented together with the urban authorities, each focused on particular topic.

Beneficiaries contest participants

Europe is HERE 2021

  • Open Lab Ferrara
    Ferrara Open Laboratory, space for the local community, where sustainable mobility and cultural tourism are intertwined with technological innovation and participation, 1st prize (tie vote) from the Regional evaluation commission
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Cesena
    Casa Bufalini and the stories of Cesena, one day immersion in the tales and stories of Cesena
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Modena
    Modena Unesco Site presenting multimedia application to discover local cultural heritage 
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Rimini
    Rimini Open Laboratory, Tiberio Bridge restoration and city centre requalification, strengthening local identity with numerous social and cultural initiatives and events
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Bologna
    Bologna Open Laboratory, a journey through images of past activities, temporary exhibitions and permanent installations for more innovation, cooperation and civil innovation in the city of Bologna
    Click here
  • Open Lab Ravenna
    Virtual Divine Comedy, journey through Dante's eyes, Virtual Reality project on Dante Alighieri, directing and VR producing from Dante's point of view
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Parma
    Parma Open Laboratory, startup weekend on food sustainability, one of the activities during Parma UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy
    Click here
  • Open Lab Forlì
    From Barcamp to Hackathon, imagining the future of Forlì's cultural communities
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Piacenza
    Climathon Piacenza, generating ideas process for students and young professionals, local institutions and stakeholders on sustainable urban mobility current challenges
    Click for the video
  • Open Lab Reggio Emilia
    St. Peter's Cloisters - culture, know-how and job creation, video demonstrating this ideal location for cultural activities promoting sustainable and inclusive growth
    Click for the video

Europe is HERE 2020

  • Open Lab Bologna
    Renovate the city - video
    Bologna Municipality courtyard - video
  • Open Lab Cesena
    Casa Bufalini Lab, activities - video
  • Open Lab Ferrara
    Ex-Teatro Verdi Lab, activities - Instagram stories (1.25 MB)
  • Open Lab Forlì
    Open Lab meeting - infographics (2.18 MB)
  • Open Lab Modena
    Innovation, culture and experimentation - video
  • Open Lab Parma
    Cloisters of St. Peter, agri-food excellence and culture location - leaflet (6.29 MB)
  • Open Lab Piacenza
    Innovation and training hub - video
  • Open Lab Ravenna
    Lab Museums, activities - video
  • Open Lab Rimini
    Totem Chatbot - short story (116.74 KB)


Cultural Heritage Asset

Themes for the Open Laboratories (workshops)


Palazzo d’Accursio and Sala Borsa

Co-design of new collaborative and digital services for the urban community


Former Verdi Theatre

Sustainable tourism and mobility


Former Amcm Area

Entertainment and artistic productions


San Paolo monumental complex

Culture and agrifood excellencies

Reggio Emilia

The Cloisters of St. Peter

Social innovation and welfare


Former Church of Santa Maria del Carmine

Logistics and sustainable mobility


Art museum of the city of Ravenna and museum of the territory of Classe

Tourists’ access to cultural heritage assets and the territory


Former asilo (nursery) Santarelli

Cultural heritage and active citizenship


Bufalini House

Culture and creative society


Modern wing of the civic museum and Ponte di Tiberio (the Bridge of Tiberius)

Innovative services to enjoy the city's cultural heritage

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