Competitive and Attractive Production System, Axis 3

Priority Axis 3 intends to stimulate an innovative, attractive process for investments, new entrepreneurial initiatives and talents. To increase competitiveness and attractiveness, this priority axis focuses on supporting the growth of investments in production, business internationalisation and new business start-ups, while promoting, among other things, direct incentives and support measures for access to credit.

Moreover, it intends to encourage the flow of tourists to the region by providing more sustainable and innovative skills to businesses in the sector, while improving the services offered and the reception received.

Priority objectives

It is based on six objectives:

  • to set up and consolidate micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • to support the introduction and effective use of ICT tools in SMEs;
  • to support business certification and innovation in the biggest tourist areas and growth opportunities for cultural and creative sectors;
  • to revive the willingness to invest in the production system;
  • to support internationalisation pathways;
  • to improve access to credit by serving as a guarantor for growth, diversification and internationalisation projects.

This priority axis has been allocated €84.9 million up to December 31, 2020. In order to support the regional health system in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, some of the selected projects were moved in 2020 to another source of funding, the National Fund for Development and Cohesion.

State of play and Current results

Asse 3 scheda_en.pngAsse 3_indicatori_en.png
Data up to December 31, 2020


Emilia-Romagna enterprises and freelancers in various areas have used European funds for innovative projects in a competitive and attractive production system.



Application received

Application accepted for funding

Support for productive investments 2018-2019



ICT projects for self-employed professionals 2018



Internationalization of consortium 2018


Export promotion and exhibition participation support to enterprises 2018


Export promotion and exhibition participation support for enterprises 2017



Multipurpose Fund – Start ups 2017-2018



ICT projects for self-employed professionals 2017



Internationalisation of consortiums 2017



Touristic, commercial and cultural attractiveness projects 2017



Projects for promoting export activities for non-exporting enterprises 2016



ICT projects for small and medium-sized enterprises 2015



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