ERDF ROP 2014-2020, Introduction to the Summary for Citizens

The Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 allocated 481.8 million euros for: research and innovation; ICT enhancement; competitiveness and attractiveness of the regional system; promotion of the low-carbon economy; preservation, protection and promotion of artistic, cultural and environmental assets; and implementation of the urban agenda for smart, sustainable and attractive cities.

These resources, along with those allocated by other European, national and regional programmes, represented a major opportunity for companies. individuals, public authorities.

Funding opportunities were launched through various calls for proposals:

  • strategic industrial research projects
  • collaborative research and development projects for enterprises
  • ICT projects for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • energy efficiency improvement in public buildings
  • environmental and cultural heritage preservation projects

A selection process was opened for municipalities in specific intervention areas (Calls for expression of interest) to build fibre-optic infrastructures for high-speed broadband in at least 180 regional productive areas lacking this type of connection.

The Open Laboratories process was launched to provide spaces equipped with ICT solutions, with the aim of developing methods to foster exchange of information, cooperation and collaboration between enterprises, citizens, associations and the public administration in order to revitalise cities.

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