Mosaic Experience Lab

The project

The mosaic lab Annafietta has created  in Ravenna a space where to develop a learning process to achieve the ancient techniques of mosaics’ production: that’s an innovative service who helps both tourists and citizens to get closer to this tradition, maintained also by using the ancient materials, small pieces of coloured glass. This process also includes a guided tour of the shop, the explanation of the steps of a project and the making of a small mosaic.

It is one of the five examples of projects co-financed by European funding (ERDF ROP 2014–2020) promoted with the 2018 Io investo QUI campaign.


The project goal is to keep alive the tradition of the ancient mosaic and to publicise it to a large audience, contributing both to the territory’s attractiveness and to the preservation of its cultural Heritage.


Thanks to the European Funds, the various areas of the lab have been modernised and enriched with the equipment required to make possible the learning process in all its steps.

Call of reference

This project has been financed by the opportunity for Turistic, commercial and cultural attractiveness projects, related to the priority axis 3 for the production system competitiveness and attractiveness.

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